Showers of Blessings
Once again, I'm sending a weekly list of blessings (even though late this time by my own announced schedule). But here goes at least some of the many blessings I've received this week through the grace of God.

1. Some of my grandchildren live close enough to us that my son brings his family over to visit about once a week. That includes two of my grandsons (and another grandchild "on the way" --Ultrasound is scheduled for this afternoon, so we may have word on that soon). Last Monday night (Jan. 11th) they came over
(as well as last night (Jan. 18th)), but I've had this note about their 1/11 visit to tell about all week.

The most notable event of that visit was that our grandson Jake (aged 4) "preached" to us at one point when we were all sitting in the den. His topic was the power of God, and I'm telling you he is mightily convinced of the power of God, and so were we! During his "sermon" he paused to lead us all in singing the Doxology ("Praise God from whom all blessings flow . . . "), during which time our 2-year-old grandson, Isaac, joined in lustily. (I didn't realize that Isaac had already learned the Doxology). Later, Isaac uttered aloud The Apostles' Creed ("I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth . . .") flawlessly. When, open-mouthed, I looked at my son, he said that Isaac had learned it by hearing them say it at their nightly Family Worship, and that he (my son) was as surprised as I was the first time Isaac said it from memory. It was a special time for us.

2. I learned a week or so ago how to order the DVD about the Peasall Sisters (the voices of the singers who sang the voices of the little girls in the movie "O Brother, Where Art Thou?" -- they were turned down for the movie parts because they were told they weren't "pitiful-looking enough", but their voices are the voices you hear when the little girls in the movie are singing*). These angelic-sounding little girls (although rapidly growing up) are from a Christian homeschooling family, and when the DVD arrived this past week, I was anxious to hear it. I wasn't disappointed at the wonderful family harmony on the DVD, and it made me think of my own granddaughters who, when we were visiting with them at Thanksgiving sang in harmony with their dad. They sang "I Sing the Mighty Power of God" beautifully --thrilled my soul! I especially like family harmony, and especially when the family is mine . . .

3. A package arrived from my daughter this week which helped us to continue to "recuperate" from whatever this is that we've had. It was sublingual B12, and it worked wonders! We continue to improve, though slowly. My dh, who had been questioning whether he was going to be able to make his planned trip to the Philippines next week, now says he's ready to go. Thanks so much to my sweet daughter for so thoughtfully sending this!

4. The snow has melted, and warmer temperatures have arrived. Though not the mid-80s that my husband will probably be enjoying this time next week, I was glad to see the snow leave. Snow is definitely more fun when kids are around, but I'm now old enough that the countless mugs of hot cocoa and the constant in-and-out -- along with wet mittens, scarves, and such -- would be a little bit of a strain at this point in my routine. :-) I remember those days fondly, but not sure I'm up to that level of chaos now, at least on the heels of illness.

5. This next item is a mostly material thing, but it helps me feel like I'm working on my little garden (sort of). I ordered a pad for my garden swing (which I look out on as I stand at my kitchen sink.) It's a little thing, but I'm glad it's done. It's supposed to be here long before the first plant will go in, but I'm glad the ordering at least is done. I got so far behind on EVERYTHING while I was sick, that I'm feeling a little more in control by taking care of this little item on my "to do" list.

*The best way to hear The Peasall Sisters (if you don't have a recording handy) is if you just type in The Peasall Sisters in your web browser . . . there are several entries that will come up. One of my favorites is "Where No One Stands Alone".) I couldn't get a "link" to work, due to my lack of computer skills I'm sure, but the best I can tell you is about the web browser -- it worked for me.

That's my partial list for this week, and since it's the wee hours of the morning here, I'll end at this point although I'm fully aware of many more blessings. God bless you all this week!


Blogger The Correspondent said...

I love the part about Jake preaching and both Jake & Ike singing/reciting. J. didn't tell me about that.

I'm so glad the sub B12 has helped. Five of us take it over here, and we all rely on it greatly.

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