After so long an absence, I'm not sure this blog is being read by anyone but me, but I do hope nevertheless to be more consistent with posting in this new year.

One reason that I didn't post for the last three months was because I was being a Master-Gardener-in-Training in a neighboring county, at a three-hour session once a week, starting in September and finishing up in mid-December. I got a call on New Year's Eve that I passed the three-hour final exam (did better than I had thought I did), and am now a certified Kentucky State Master Gardener. I enjoyed these sessions very much, made a lot of new friends and learned a lot, and will need to volunteer some hours with the County Extension office to complete the requirements, but I'm not worried about that at this point. Travis has also gotten interested in gardening, and that makes it more likely that I will be able to carry out some "yard plans" this next Spring and Summer.

Another reason for my lack of posts is that I have had some "bug" for weeks, and am just now beginning to pull out of it, very slowly. Along with this "bug", I had a cold and it all hasn't been very pleasant. It has slowed me up considerably with things around the house, so I will be playing "catch-up" in the weeks ahead. Travis plans to leave for the Philippines later this month (his 20th trip), and I plan to use the time in further decluttering and down-sizing here at the house. He had offered to take me to Mississippi again (like he did in August), and fly out of Jackson, then fly back in to Jackson and drive us home, but that really makes it harder on him. To have to drive 10 hours after a 17-hour flight just seemed like asking too much. He seemed relieved after I opted to just stay home, and work on things here.

He apparently caught the "bug" that I have had for so long, but I think he's beginning to feel some better, and he's not running temperature today. He's just coughing a lot. Please keep him (and me!) in your prayers that we'll be free of illness soon.

I knew this post was going to have to be curtailed before I really finished, and I'm closing this here (for now) so I can get my "next thing" done. I hope to continue this soon.


Blogger The Correspondent said...

I'm reading your blog, and I'm glad to see you've started posting again!

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