Speaking of Journeys . . .
Forty-three years ago, a former schoolmate of mine (Travis) asked me for a date. Although we knew each other in school, we didn't really know each other, but when we ran into each other at a Little League baseball game (another story in itself -- Travis's brother was playing and T. was keeping score, and I went (reluctantly) with a friend.) Anyway, I accepted his invitation, as well as the weekly invitations that followed, and seven weeks later we were engaged. Because Travis still had two years of college left to complete, we couldn't get married immediately, so the wedding was eventually planned for September in 1965. And last week, we celebrated 42 years of marriage--he in the Philippines, and me here in the States, here in Kentucky. We have two children, a son and a daughter, both of whom we are very proud of; and seven beautiful grandchildren (the oldest soon to turn fifteen, and the youngest two months old), of whom we are also very thankful and proud.
God is good. I had prayed for His will in the matter of marriage, and after waiting for quite a while that prayer was being answered. I had accepted that I may not be supposed to be married, and shortly after I had yielded to Christ in that decision, here came Travis!
When we went out on that first date, we rode around Jackson, (MS) and we talked alot. I had been going through a spiritual crisis, "thinking too much" as I was often told, about theological issues. So, when I asked him if he knew anything about "Original Sin" (a term I had recently learned), it was like putting a lit match to tinder! That first date was basically a "learning session"; we had to go on another date for more of my questions to be answered. Later, I was able to share some of what I had learned about Christian discipleship, obedience, commitment to Christ, etc. that he was not as familiar with.
It's been a very interesting journey, and one I am very thankful for.


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