Showers of Blessings
Once again, I'm sending a weekly list of blessings (even though late this time by my own announced schedule). But here goes at least some of the many blessings I've received this week through the grace of God.

1. Some of my grandchildren live close enough to us that my son brings his family over to visit about once a week. That includes two of my grandsons (and another grandchild "on the way" --Ultrasound is scheduled for this afternoon, so we may have word on that soon). Last Monday night (Jan. 11th) they came over
(as well as last night (Jan. 18th)), but I've had this note about their 1/11 visit to tell about all week.

The most notable event of that visit was that our grandson Jake (aged 4) "preached" to us at one point when we were all sitting in the den. His topic was the power of God, and I'm telling you he is mightily convinced of the power of God, and so were we! During his "sermon" he paused to lead us all in singing the Doxology ("Praise God from whom all blessings flow . . . "), during which time our 2-year-old grandson, Isaac, joined in lustily. (I didn't realize that Isaac had already learned the Doxology). Later, Isaac uttered aloud The Apostles' Creed ("I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth . . .") flawlessly. When, open-mouthed, I looked at my son, he said that Isaac had learned it by hearing them say it at their nightly Family Worship, and that he (my son) was as surprised as I was the first time Isaac said it from memory. It was a special time for us.

2. I learned a week or so ago how to order the DVD about the Peasall Sisters (the voices of the singers who sang the voices of the little girls in the movie "O Brother, Where Art Thou?" -- they were turned down for the movie parts because they were told they weren't "pitiful-looking enough", but their voices are the voices you hear when the little girls in the movie are singing*). These angelic-sounding little girls (although rapidly growing up) are from a Christian homeschooling family, and when the DVD arrived this past week, I was anxious to hear it. I wasn't disappointed at the wonderful family harmony on the DVD, and it made me think of my own granddaughters who, when we were visiting with them at Thanksgiving sang in harmony with their dad. They sang "I Sing the Mighty Power of God" beautifully --thrilled my soul! I especially like family harmony, and especially when the family is mine . . .

3. A package arrived from my daughter this week which helped us to continue to "recuperate" from whatever this is that we've had. It was sublingual B12, and it worked wonders! We continue to improve, though slowly. My dh, who had been questioning whether he was going to be able to make his planned trip to the Philippines next week, now says he's ready to go. Thanks so much to my sweet daughter for so thoughtfully sending this!

4. The snow has melted, and warmer temperatures have arrived. Though not the mid-80s that my husband will probably be enjoying this time next week, I was glad to see the snow leave. Snow is definitely more fun when kids are around, but I'm now old enough that the countless mugs of hot cocoa and the constant in-and-out -- along with wet mittens, scarves, and such -- would be a little bit of a strain at this point in my routine. :-) I remember those days fondly, but not sure I'm up to that level of chaos now, at least on the heels of illness.

5. This next item is a mostly material thing, but it helps me feel like I'm working on my little garden (sort of). I ordered a pad for my garden swing (which I look out on as I stand at my kitchen sink.) It's a little thing, but I'm glad it's done. It's supposed to be here long before the first plant will go in, but I'm glad the ordering at least is done. I got so far behind on EVERYTHING while I was sick, that I'm feeling a little more in control by taking care of this little item on my "to do" list.

*The best way to hear The Peasall Sisters (if you don't have a recording handy) is if you just type in The Peasall Sisters in your web browser . . . there are several entries that will come up. One of my favorites is "Where No One Stands Alone".) I couldn't get a "link" to work, due to my lack of computer skills I'm sure, but the best I can tell you is about the web browser -- it worked for me.

That's my partial list for this week, and since it's the wee hours of the morning here, I'll end at this point although I'm fully aware of many more blessings. God bless you all this week!


Blogger The Correspondent said...

I love the part about Jake preaching and both Jake & Ike singing/reciting. J. didn't tell me about that.

I'm so glad the sub B12 has helped. Five of us take it over here, and we all rely on it greatly.

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Some of This Week's Blessings

Although this week started out with my continued ailment (some “bug” of some kind that has lasted for weeks now, as well as a bad head cold), I have been hoping to get back to my once-a-week (or so) list of things to be thankful for. And in spite of continuing health maladies, it has turned out to be a week of continued blessings.

Added to my hope of listing these blessings, I have been having a song in my mind, and have been encouraged by this song to make more of an effort. The song is by Gloria and Bill Gaither, and it’s titled “I Could Never, Never Outlove the Lord.

There’ve been times when living and loving brought pain,
And I promised I would never let it happen again,
But I found out that loving was well worth the risk,
And that even in losing you win.

I’m gonna live the way He wants me to live,
I’m gonna give until there’s just no more to give;
I’m gonna love, love till there’s just no more love –
I could never, never outlove the Lord.

So here’s my list for this week:

1. Master Gardener’s Certification – For the last several months I’ve been attending once-a-week three-hour classes in a neighboring city as a master-gardener-in-training. In Mid-December the three-hour final exam was given. On New Year’s Eve, I got the word that I had passed the exam, and I’m very thankful for that. I learned a lot and hope to put some of what I learned into practice, starting this Spring. I love flowers, and fresh vegetables . . .

2. On Sunday night, I received an e-mail asking if I would write an article for a nationally known periodical, and it needed to be in their hands by today. Now, I’m not a fast writer usually (which was a mere six days), but because the editor of this periodical has been doing a stellar job, and I wanted to help if I could, I agreed to give it a try. He assigned a particular subject, and I set out on this task on Monday. Since my plans to go on a private spiritual retreat starting Monday had to be cancelled (mostly because of weather), I was able to concentrate and pray (which was what I had hoped to do on the retreat anyway—just on other subjects), and (this still amazes me to think of), I had it to him before Tuesday. That gave us plenty of time for editing and polishing, and he is a particularly gifted editor and enhanced the article considerably. I’m very thankful that I was able to do this, and was encouraged myself in the writing of this article while I was meditating on this subject.

3. While I was planning for my retreat, I had gathered some reading material to contemplate on my retreat. One of the things I had planned to take with me was a copy of Philip Yancey’s book Grace Notes. This is a book of selections for each day of the week, taken from Philip’s many previously written books, and articles. Philip Yancey is a favorite writer of mine and I went ahead and started the daily readings. This has been a special blessing to me this week and I’m very thankful for these readings. It has helped me stay focused.

4. We received in the mail today a booklet from an Elder and friend, who had written about his experiences in the Philippines. Included in the booklet were some very nice things that he wrote about my dh Travis. I’m especially glad to have this booklet to send to my children as a reminder of their dad’s character and work.

5. Also in today’s mail was the Burpee Catalog for the next growing season. I’ve been enjoying going through this catalog and marking things I’m interested in planting. Although we’re “snowed in” here today, the beautiful pictures and interesting descriptions of plants are making me long for the renewal of Spring. And turning my mind also to the renewal that we can always look forward to in this journey of faith we’re on. And on that note, I’m also thankful that today, for the first time in a l-o-n-g time, I’m actually feeling like doing something. (And my poor neglected house—due to my illness incapacitation for quite awhile—will benefit greatly if I continue to feel this well). So I’m thankful for actually feeling like getting to some of the chores staring me in the face.

Prayers to all for a blessed and profitable New Year in 2010!


Blogger The Correspondent said...

Oh, I love these types of posts!

Congratulations again on your Master Gardener certificate. Also, I look forward to reading your article.

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After so long an absence, I'm not sure this blog is being read by anyone but me, but I do hope nevertheless to be more consistent with posting in this new year.

One reason that I didn't post for the last three months was because I was being a Master-Gardener-in-Training in a neighboring county, at a three-hour session once a week, starting in September and finishing up in mid-December. I got a call on New Year's Eve that I passed the three-hour final exam (did better than I had thought I did), and am now a certified Kentucky State Master Gardener. I enjoyed these sessions very much, made a lot of new friends and learned a lot, and will need to volunteer some hours with the County Extension office to complete the requirements, but I'm not worried about that at this point. Travis has also gotten interested in gardening, and that makes it more likely that I will be able to carry out some "yard plans" this next Spring and Summer.

Another reason for my lack of posts is that I have had some "bug" for weeks, and am just now beginning to pull out of it, very slowly. Along with this "bug", I had a cold and it all hasn't been very pleasant. It has slowed me up considerably with things around the house, so I will be playing "catch-up" in the weeks ahead. Travis plans to leave for the Philippines later this month (his 20th trip), and I plan to use the time in further decluttering and down-sizing here at the house. He had offered to take me to Mississippi again (like he did in August), and fly out of Jackson, then fly back in to Jackson and drive us home, but that really makes it harder on him. To have to drive 10 hours after a 17-hour flight just seemed like asking too much. He seemed relieved after I opted to just stay home, and work on things here.

He apparently caught the "bug" that I have had for so long, but I think he's beginning to feel some better, and he's not running temperature today. He's just coughing a lot. Please keep him (and me!) in your prayers that we'll be free of illness soon.

I knew this post was going to have to be curtailed before I really finished, and I'm closing this here (for now) so I can get my "next thing" done. I hope to continue this soon.


Blogger The Correspondent said...

I'm reading your blog, and I'm glad to see you've started posting again!

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